Quilling (kw-ill-ing)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quilling  this is what Quilling is

http://www.handmade-craft-ideas.com/paper-quilling-instructions.html for instructions on quilling and patterns

If you don't have a tool to start out with a pencil works just fine as well as rolling it with your hands.  However, a tool is so much easier if your serious about learning this art purchase a beginners quilling set for tools and paper.  if you don't want to purchase the kit then you can cut your own paper out of scrapbook paper 1/8" wide roll and shape to see what you can create. As you learn more and feel you are getting good at it then try the advanced stuff shown at the bottom. 


I take a letter any letter and quill it to make it beautiful I can also do names

examples are

This is a lot harder.  find a picture that you love draw it great place to learn to draw is http://www.dragoart.com/  you draw what you want the more details the harder the project then begin by outlining your drawing and fill in. 
I have taken this one step further and have made pictures.  I draw the picture with a pencil and then quill it all work is origional . 

dragon fly beging with drawing

starting to quill

adding more details

finished project $100 for dragon fly in frame

this is so much fun and I can't wait to make a picture for you. 

Monogram picture $ 30
with frame $ 50

art picture  $ 50
with frame $  70

all items shipped add $10 for shipping